Thursday, August 14, 2008

9th email: From J. Olson

date Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 3:43 PM
subject Re: FW: Cancelling my pledge to WBEZ

Hi Torey--

Thanks for the information. I take it that the cancellation of Hello Beautiful and Right Now wasn't part of cutting expenses? Perhaps we define "cuts" differently. My understanding of "cuts" includes cutting current programming, cutting planned programming, recycling programs (reruns) to take up time slots, cutting people specifically and not replacing people who have left so that the same amount of work is done by less staff.

Are you saying that CPR has done none of those things in the past 12 months or for this new fiscal year? Just looking for some clarification.

Also, still interested in which of these will be happening in the future for CPR (based upon my last email):

* Vocalo will share resources and funding with WBEZ and that this will be made more clear to WBEZ members and Vocalo listeners by the CPR Board.
* Vocalo will be completely separate from Vocalo and will be funded by CPB and Surdna. And that this will be stated clearly by the CPR Board.

This was the email I sent that had the attachments. The one that pointed out the difference between the Vocalo situation and the MPR situation with Current. Did you receive that? Hopefully it didn't get redirected because of the attachments.

Thanks very much.

Jeanne Marie Olson

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